A blessing for times of crisis and chaos

During these days when the planetary movement is a rock-‘n-roll ride and many a wild card is being tossed in the air, may you feel the depth of your soul, the strength of your spirit, and the tenderness of your heart.  You are needed during these tumultuous times.

When the balance in your life has been shattered and you have been punched in the gut by loss and devastation, may you feel your angels and guides, ancestors and allies holding you closer.  You are not alone during these tumultuous times.

When you are exhausted, empty, and bone weary, may you give yourself permission to rest and to be.  You can surrender during these tumultuous times.

When you feel that hope belongs to the past, may you open yourself to possibility and allow yourself to breathe, breathe, breathe. You can connect to your life during these tumultuous times.

When you feel defenseless and vulnerable, may you feel the unseen arms of God around you. You are never alone during these tumultuous times.

When you are filled with terror and fear and your ears echo with an inner howling, may you find the deeply hidden and belonging-only-to-you, safe, inviolate sanctuary within your being where no one can hurt you. You can have a safe place during these tumultuous times.

When you are knee-deep in pain and rolling in crazy-making grief, may you honor the profound experience of your being and become like the water that flows in a myriad of forms of contraction and expansion. You can, when the moment is right, find hard-won acceptance during these tumultuous times.

When you are lost and adrift with no anchor to call home, may you remember who you are and the multitudinous gifts, graces, hard knocks, and experiences that make you the one-of-a-kind, kick-ass human being that you are. You can be survivor during these tumultuous times.


© Adele Ryan McDowell


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